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Welcome, we have been expecting you...
-Please have a seat, grab something to eat, because we want to entertain you...
...with information ?!?
-No, not really but kind of...
A NFT collection of a 1 000 Warrior Crox.
There is going to be a total of 10 000 Crox from each of the 4 generations of Crox. This is one of the 1st real assets,
which you can own on the blockchain.
View Verified Smart Contract Address:

You Can Earn ETH Every Single Week By Owning A Warrior Crox NFT
You can earn Ethereum every single week by owning our NFT, we are giving away every single Sunday a total of 50% of what we earn, this excludes earnings from Mints. this can generate you passive income every single week,
without you needing to do anything.
View Current ETH Pool value here
Warrior Crox Comics
We created Warrior Crox Comics on Webtoons.
We describe them as:
"A random comic fuelled by perpetual boredom created by the NFT collection Warrior Crox"
We are yet to release our first comic

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